
Showing posts from June, 2024

Challenges and Issues in Natural Gas Distribution Industry

Natural gas is emerging as an eco-friendly alternative to conventional fossil fuels. Why? Because it results in less harmful gas emissions but equal energy production. India has been using natural gas for a long time now and wants to achieve a much bigger target by the end of this decade. Just like we have observed an increase in its adoption rate, some of its industrial and domestic uses have witnessed a significant drop. Over the last ten years, the number of CNG dispensing stations across India has increased sixfold and PNG connections by fourfold. This significant rise in natural gas consumption comes with some of its setbacks. These challenges in the Natural Gas Distribution Industry are as follows: Limited access to fuel Just because a relevant authority holds the license to City Gas Distribution (CGD), doesn’t mean it is catering to the diversified natural gas needs of the entire city. A major part of India has Piped Natural Gas (PNG) and connection but that doesn’t mean they a...